You can see how uneducated Witnesses are when they parrot the WT's version of evolution's definition: "evolution teaches that something came from nothing" "evolution teaches that monkeys gave birth to us."
The theory (or should I say "fact") of evolution is considered SO far-fetched to Witnesses... yet they're willing to accept ancient Hebrew cosmology of our earth's history. That there was "light" before the "luminaries" came to be. That there was vegetation (something that requires photosynthesis) before the sun was created. That Jehovah created a "separation between darkness and light" (darkness is merely the absence of light - no separation required. Alas, the ancient Israelites truly believed that darkness was a force of its own).
NO respected theologian believes or teaches that the Genesis account is an accurate and literal representation of how humankind came to be. Whether from a young-earth creationist perspective, or an old-earth creationist perspective (the stance WT takes).
I'm paraphrasing Richard Dawkins when I say that the only way God exists and created every species (including humans) according to "its kind" is if "the creator deliberately set out to confuse us" and lead us to evidence that we evolved. Why would God, who is so determined to be known and have his creation provide a strong testament of his existence, play such a mean game that disguises his own handiwork as the product of evolution?